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INTERVIEWquality management
セ ン タ ー

Quality control
As the "last fort"
Responsible for inspection work.

Quality Control Center / Joined in 2013

Please tell us your current job.

Raw materials and
We are inspecting the product.

The Quality Control Center has two teams, a "test inspection team" that inspects each process from raw materials to products, and a "quality promotion team" that manages manufacturing processes and hygiene.I belong to the test inspection team and carry out inspection work.When accepting raw materials, check the color and odor of the raw materials.If it is an intermediate product, we conduct a microbiological test to determine the presence or absence of food poisoning bacteria and hygiene, and confirm the safety of the product.Also, whether the active ingredient and vitamins of the drug are contained in the specified amount using HPLC (high performance liquid chromatograph), and whether the residual pesticide is less than the specified amount using GC / MS (gas chromatograph mass spectrometer). We are also checking.In the inspection of the final product, we also check whether the expiration date is printed correctly and whether there is a problem with the content, etc., and judge whether it is possible to ship.

When do you find it most rewarding?

Incorporating a new test method,
When you can measure safely.

Quality control is an important department responsible for product shipping decisions, and is also called the "last bastion."Therefore, tension is always required in various tests to check quality.Basically, the test is performed according to the prescribed procedure, but it is often not possible to measure well depending on the prescription of the product.In that case, we have to confirm the validity by ourselves and consider another test method.When I can measure safely through trial and error, I feel a great sense of satisfaction.

Please tell us about your future goals and prospects.

Repeated awareness and consideration,
Become an analysis expert.

I want to be an analytical expert.To that end, I feel that not only knowledge but also "awareness" is important in daily analysis.Even if there are no problems with the analysis results, it is necessary to notice any differences and consider why the results were obtained from multiple perspectives.By repeating these awareness and consideration every day, I would like to deepen my knowledge and skills in analysis and grow.

Daily schedule

5:30get up

Check the news and weather forecast while eating breakfast.

7:50Going to work

Check the schedule and email for the day.If you have a time-consuming test, be prepared first.

8:30start of work

9:00Morning assembly

We will share the information.

9:10Equipment inspection

Check if the analytical instrument is working properly.We also regularly check the scales at the manufacturing site.



I clean every day to test in a clean environment.


Extraction work is performed to confirm that the specified amount of active ingredient is contained.



Set the extracted sample in the analysis device and start analysis.Analytical equipment runs all night and data analysis is done the next day.

16:00Progress confirmation

I answer questions and give advice on exams from junior employees.

16:30Document confirmation

We check the test documents received from the raw material manufacturer and the documentary records at the manufacturing site to see if there are any problems.




After taking a bath, I watch the news and play games on my smartphone.

0:00Going to bed

Message to those who want to join the company

Also for training new employees
I think it's an aggressive company.

Ito Hanpo Pharmaceutical is a company that is active in educating new employees. There is a three-month training period, and senior employees can answer any questions.Because of this training, I am able to communicate in an easy-to-understand manner not only when I am working on my current work, but also when I teach junior employees.In addition, it is an environment where it is easy for young employees to proactively make proposals for business improvement efforts within the department.

My favorite product

Blueberry tablet

It is a tablet product that can be easily eaten. The standard daily intake is 1 tablets, but it's sweet and delicious, so it's easy to eat more than 3 tablets.

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